Posts in Davis-Bacon Act
There But for the Grace… Government Contracts Rules Lay Traps Aplenty

From time to time, I see a government contracts case that sends chills down my spine. A recent decision painfully reminds me of how the law governing our unique parcel in the vast lands of the legal world is rife with hard-to-see pools of quicksand that can trap even the most sophisticated contractors.

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Biden Executive Order Mandates Project Labor Agreements for Federal Construction Projects

President Biden issued an Executive Order on February 4, 2022 that will require contractors to enter into project labor agreements for large scale federal construction projects. Although PLAs have been “encouraged” for some time, this order will transform this preference into an absolute requirement.

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Annualization or Effective Annual Rate of Fringe Benefits Under the Davis-Bacon Act

DOL wants to annualize fringe benefit contributions, especially pension monies, to get contractors to pay Davis-Bacon Act fringe benefits even for non-Davis-Bacon Act work. This is variously called the annualization rule or the effective annual rate calculation. But some courts have refused to enforce the DOL annualization requirment.

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DOL: We’re Hiring!

The Department of Labor announced yesterday the Wage and Hour Division plans to hire 100 investigators this year. For sure, they’ll be earnest and energized. That’s why a solid grounding in the wage and hour laws affecting the government contractor community will be a powerful tool to ensure you get a fair shake.

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Good Things Come to Those That Wait -- Contractor $15 Minimum Wage Applies to New Option Years and Not Earlier, and May Give Contractors Who Time It Right a Price Adjustment for Excess Costs

The $15 Minimum Wage Executive Order (“MW EO”) only applies on or after January 30, 2022, and then only to new contracts. It doesn’t apply to the time period worked in the prior contract under the old MW EO. For that period in 2022, all that is legally due is the $11.25 MW or any higher prevailing wage. While DOL is specifying the new $15 MW was intended to apply to hours spent performing on that new contract in 2022, that just means the new contract hours. Service and construction contractors should wait patiently for the new option year, or when the new MW EO clause is added to the contract ,and get a price adjustment for any extra costs.

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The Tide of DOL Opinion Letters Has Ebbed and There Likely Won’t Be Many More Under the Current DOL Administration. That is too bad.  

Department of Labor Wage and Hour Opinion Letters follow the ebb and flow of conservative and liberal executive administrations. When President Biden was inaugurated, we began a period where new Opinion Letters are a scarcity. This follows the practice of previous liberal administrations.

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No Second Bite at the Apple; ASBCA holds that Contractor Can’t Recover Under FAR 52.222-30 for Increase in Davis-Bacon Act Wages.

The ASBCA holds that FAR 22.404-12(c) does not require that notice be given to offers that they have the opportunity to escalate labor rates into their bid pricing even when the offers will not receive a price adjustment after a new Wage Determination is incorporated into the contract.

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Davis-Bacon Classification Decision Was Not Arbitrable, Tenth Cir. Holds

The Tenth Circuit holds that the Union in this case cannot compel the Contractor to arbitrate Davis-Bacon job classifications. However, the court did not hold that Davis-Bacon job classifications are not arbitrable. This article was written by our very own Kirby Rousseau for The Government Contractor publication.

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Catch-22: No Contractor Price Adjustments for State Minimum Wage Increases

When bidding on and pricing US government extended term fixed price contracts, contractors need to price in the possibility that state minimum wages will exceed the SCA or DBA wage levels, and require an escalation be paid, but the contracting agency will not adjust the contract price for that occurrence.

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Getting Back on the Horse - District of Columbia Plaintiffs May Have Found a Way to Privately Enforce Prevailing Wages

The District of Columbia is allowing workers to bring a prevailing wage claim under the guise of a municipal statute, thereby eroding the rule that only DOL enforces the federal prevailing wage laws and there is no private cause of action.

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DOL Issues Proposed Rule on Contractor Minimum Wages: What’s New?

On July 21, the Department of Labor (“DOL”) published proposed regulations that implement President Biden’s Executive Order establishing a $15 an hour minimum wage for workers who perform on or in connection with federal contracts. While this is a new rule, it’s nearly identical to the existing federal contractor minimum wage requirements. Thus, what was clear before is still clear. What wasn’t, isn’t.

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Don’t Be a Bag Holder: Be Proactive On Subcontractor Prevailing Wage Compliance

Here is an unofficial “form”, with some minor edits and adjustments made by us, which requires subcontractors to acknowlege their obligations with repect to the prevailing wage laws. It is no panacea or substitute to good flow down of subconract terms, but in one page it does an effective job of emphasizing the duties being imposed on the subcontractor, and thus can help avoid misunderstandings or minimize inadvertent errors.

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Wage and Hour Posting Requirements in the Remote Workplace

For many who are working remotely, it feels like decades since they’ve strolled down to the break room where they can view many notices required by various employment laws such as the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), the Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”), the Service Contract Act (“SCA”), and the Employee Polygraph Protection Act (“EPPA”). A recent bulletin issued by the Department of Labor provides much needed guidance about how employers may use electronic posting to fulfill their posting obligations in the remote working world.

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