When government service contractors unionize, they can pass the cost of any well-timed wage and benefit increases to the US government under the Service Contract Act Price Adjustment clause.
Read MoreNew proposed tip credit rules are out to implement the statutory changes. Comments are due in December 2019.
Read MoreThe wage and hour section of the beta.sam.gov website continues to be debeviled with small problems and offers diminished resources to the public.
Read MoreThe Service Contract Act (“SCA”) presents both opportunities and peril each time a contractor submits a proposal to work on a covered contract. This is a primer on some of those pitfalls and opportunities.
Read MoreUnder the Service Contract Act (“SCA”), employers with self-insured unfunded health and weflare (“H&W”) plans are better off forming a trust and paying acturial premiums into the trust monthly so they can get proper credit for the fringe benefits furnished.
Read MoreMost notably, the final FLSA rule dispenses with the proposed rule’s significant increase in the salary requirement for the Highly Compensated Employee (“HCE”) test, and instead substitues a modest increase from $100,000 to a new salary basis of $107,432, effective January 2020.
Read MoreWhile the Service Contract Act (“SCA”) price adjustment clause requires contractors to submit their price adjustment prposals within 30 days of the contract modification adding a new wage determination, the Board says that requirement is not jurisdictional and doesn’t bar the claim. However, a failure of proof of actual costs will bar the recovery.
Read MoreComp time is ordinarily only used for public sector workers or exempt employees. But sometime workers are mislassified as exempt and erroneously receive comp time. In those circumstances, the employer should get a credit for the comp time actually paid towards any premium overtime due.
Read MoreThe Service Contract Act has complex rules for wages and benefits. Here is a Q&A format with a few answers to questions posed by a small business employer.
Read MoreThe Service Contract Act (“SCA”) covers all “service employees” working on or in connection with a government service contract. But that begs the issue of when a worker is directly working on a contract versus indirectly facilitating the performance of the work. As to where the coverage line is drawn, that depends on the contract terms and the employee’s job duties.
Read MoreResponding to Department of Labor investigations is not a simple exercise. While you are required to cooperate, provide documents and access to employees, you are not obligated to accept an investigator’s findings and you can question them. But, before you push back, be thoughtful. And,don’t forget to check the math.
Read MoreThe U.S. Department of Labor issued All Agency Memorandum (“AAM”) no. 230 posting new health and welfare (“H&W”) fringe benefit rates for Service Contract Act (“SCA”) covered contracts effective July 5, 2019. The new H&W rates are $4.54 an hour, except if there is a sick leave Executive Order clause in the contract, whereupon the H&W rates are set at $4.22 an hour.
Read MoreThe Court of Federal Claims decsion in Just In Time Staffing maintains the long-established practice of limiting the FAR price adjustment clause to its plain language – covering the increased costs of wages and fringe benefits of the contractor’s employees and certain enumerated payroll taxes — and not to the cost to negotiate a CBA.
Read MoreUpward adjustments in rates via SCA substantial variance proceedings impose a high burden of proof on the unionized employees seeking to set-aside the collectively bargained wages and benefits and impose the higher prevailing rates.
Read MoreThe “Raise the Wage Act” aims to increase the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $15.00 an hour by 2025. The FLSA minimum wage has not increased since July 24, 2009.
Read MoreOn Thursday June 14, 2019 the Department of Labor (“DOL”) shut down their old wage determination online website at WDOL.com and transferred the information to https://beta.sam.gov/help/wage-determinations.
Read MoreThe Department of Labor wants to raise the compensation threshold for the FLSA’s highly compensated exemption (“HCE”) test to $147,414 a year from the current $100,000. That will make the simplfied exemption test, which just requires one exempt duty, largely out of reach in most exemption disputes.
Read MoreService Contract Act (“SCA”) vacation benefits which are accrued on a pay period basis present serious compliance issues for employers trying to prove they furnished the requisite prevailing fringe benefits.
Read MoreThe SCA preempted a State law wage claim for trebled damages, giving new life to a preemption doctrine which had largely been relegated to the dustbin by clever pleading and expansive court interpretations.
Read MoreDOL issued a new Wage & Hour Administrator opinion letter on the employment status of the service providers participating in a virtual marketplace company, finding they were likely bona fide independent contractors, which would have been an unlikely outcome in the Obama era.
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