When bidding on and pricing US government extended term fixed price contracts, contractors need to price in the possibility that state minimum wages will exceed the SCA or DBA wage levels, and require an escalation be paid, but the contracting agency will not adjust the contract price for that occurrence.
Read MoreThe District of Columbia is allowing workers to bring a prevailing wage claim under the guise of a municipal statute, thereby eroding the rule that only DOL enforces the federal prevailing wage laws and there is no private cause of action.
Read MoreUPDATE: President Biden is expected to announce executive orders that will mandate universal vaccination for federal workers and contractor employees with no testing option. We will post an update when the expected orders are issued. Federal contractor employees who work on Government sites must comply with President Biden’s vaccine or test policy. Must contractors pay employees for their time to get tested if they refuse to get a vaccine? Must contractors foot the bill for the tests? So far, these questions are going unanswered.
Read MoreJust what you have been waiting for all your life — here is a short policy providing for the pre-payment or advanced payment of SCA vacation benefits to new workers who otherwise would have no paid leave, particularly in their first year of employment. Please note, it remains unclear whether DOL will approve of the use of such a policy, but then you are no worse off than before.
Read MoreAfter being frozen for two years, the SCA H&W rates were modestly adjusted upwards by DOL effective July 16, 2021.
Read MoreOn July 21, the Department of Labor (“DOL”) published proposed regulations that implement President Biden’s Executive Order establishing a $15 an hour minimum wage for workers who perform on or in connection with federal contracts. While this is a new rule, it’s nearly identical to the existing federal contractor minimum wage requirements. Thus, what was clear before is still clear. What wasn’t, isn’t.
Read MoreHere is an unofficial “form”, with some minor edits and adjustments made by us, which requires subcontractors to acknowlege their obligations with repect to the prevailing wage laws. It is no panacea or substitute to good flow down of subconract terms, but in one page it does an effective job of emphasizing the duties being imposed on the subcontractor, and thus can help avoid misunderstandings or minimize inadvertent errors.
Read MoreThe Davis-Bacon Act contains different price adjustment clauses that are used in a variety of scenarios.
Read MoreWage and Hour Opinion letters provide much-needed guidance regarding the application of various requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act. While one can raise questions over the validity of a specific opinion, the long term value of these opinions outweighs any one decision.
Read MorePer Bloomberg News, President Biden is reviewing his options with regard to updating President Obama’s Executive Order encouraging Project Labor Agreements.
Read MoreThe following is a checklist of some best practices to follow when bidding on prevailing wage work like the Davis-Bacon Act or the Service Contract Act.
Read MoreGovernment Contract claims for monetary relief under the Contract Disputes Act must demand “the payment of money in a sum certain.” Read on to consider the pitfalls that can arise when you have more than one way of framing your claim.
Read MoreMost federal workers will have tomorrow off in observance of the newly declared Juneteenth federal holiday. We previously posted a blog about the National Day of Mourning observing the death for President George H.W. Bush. While tomorrow’s celebration of freedom is so different from a day of mourning, they share the trait of being unexpected federal holidays that have an impact on federal contractors. Read on to learn more about the issues and options available when faced with an unexpected federal holiday.
Read MoreThe Fair labor Standards Act imposes a few additional requirements for employers with employees under the age of eighteen.
Read MoreThe Service Contract Act (“SCA”) can apply to state and local governments, including public universities performing research and other government contracts. But when it comes to those public entities, they may have a loophole to get a special wage determinaton.
Read MoreThe Service Contract Act requires federal service contractors to provide certain fringe benefits to their employees. Some contractors pay cash in lieu of providing the benefits. Since the Fair Labor Standards Act requires payment of overtime based on a regular rate of pay, there’s a question as to whether cash-in-lieu payments must be added to wages to come up with the regular rate of pay. Read on to see how the Department of Labor and several courts reach different conclusions and how contractors should weigh their options.
Read MoreThe award of an emergency follow-on contract to a new successor contractor doesn’t change the operation of the Service Contract Act (“SCA”) Section 4(c) succcessor contractor rule. The follow-on contract is still subject to the wages and fringe benefits set forth in the collective bargaining agreement (“CBA”) entered into by the predecessor contractor.
Read MoreThe new Federal Contractor Minimum Wage will make it difficult for contractors to bid on new contracts without knowing how the Government will compensate them for the cost of increased wages.
Read MoreThat seemingly benign boilerplate is not toothless throw-away verbiage. When negotiating a contract modification that pays a claim or resolves a dispute, consider whether there are contingencies you might be waiving. Bottom line - stop and think before you sign.
Read MoreThe SCA bars contractors from allocating their own plan administrative expenses towards compliance with the prevailing H&W fringe benefit However, this doesn’t bar an employer from claiming a credit for the expenses borne by the benefit plan. This dichotmy sometimes produces disputes and misunderstandings. Lately, DOL has been eying a more aggressive stance on administrative expenses.
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