Inflation Relief for Government Contractors: We’re Here to Help, Chapter Two

Federal contractors who hold multi-year fixed price contracts are feeling great pressure from this year’s high rates of inflation. DoD guidance issued in May essentially stated that these contractors should consider themselves up a well-known creek without a paddle. New guidance issued earlier this month offers a glimmer of hope by providing Contracting Officers a couple of options to provide relief to struggling contractors.

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Get “In Connection With” the Federal Contractor Minimum Wage

Under Executive Orders issued by President Biden, and before him, President Obama, federal contractors must pay a minimum wage to their nonexempt employees who work on or “in connection with” many federal contracts. The “in connection with” aspect of these Orders can trip up even seasoned federal contractors.

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When Is a Federal or State Specified Fringe Benefit Unallowable Under the Prevailing Wage Laws as a Credit Towards Compliance?

Sometimes the wage and hour regulations cannot be taken literally. Instead, you need to figure out the regulatory intent. For example, the SCA and DBA regulations bar the employer from claiming a credit for paying social security, worker’s comp and unemployment premiums. These tax like payments are not fringe benefits. But other federal and state mandated benefit plans like Obamacare, Romneycare in Massachusetts, holidays, and leave are fringe benefits and can be credited towards compliance.

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Where oh Where? Choosing the Correct Forum for Government Contracts Disputes

If a government contractor has a bone to pick, figuring out who to complain to can feel a lot like a customer service phone tree. If you press three instead of one, you can find yourself being transferred to another department after hours of being on hold. Or you can get completely different answers depending on who you speak to.

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